Somemore idea from the most recent scrapped Oso Casino AU

 The Matsuno family casino spa and hotel

Matsuyo and Matsuzou actually own the business, inheriting it from Matsuyo's family. They made their sons work there and go to college to learn how to run a business. The Matsuno Brothers had to start a gang to be able to protect the business.

They were so idiotic and haphazardly lucky in all of their encounters with larger gangs, they earned a reputation and a piece of territory. The larger gangs avoid dealing with them, knowing the tragic events that have happened to smaller gangs trying to encroach on their piece. Some events more obviously luck-based than others, but the other gangs weren't so invested to test their luck.




Totoko the Matsunos and the tutor's friends are eating dinner with each other.

Totoko is mostly silent.

Patrick tells them that a conversation between Matsuyo and Matsuzou was overheard and the haterd for Patrick has been uncovered.

Totoko tells Patrick it's not a waste, because years ago Ichi plotted with Oso to trick Totoko into marring Todo and rotate thur the week as if it would go unnoticed. Toto explains that there's no fear because they grew up to

The tutor and friends leave and Todo asks why Toto didn't tell the visitor that. Toto admits being jealous, knowing the person was visiting, and them treating her differently so maybe she could trust them.




 Pat finds a baby in a dumpster and tells the baby about how either to dream or past life where Pat has nine children, none of which are theirs, but is a drunkard that takes care of children all the time.


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