Detroit: become human Fan story ideas 2


This character is a nonbinary person, place holder name Cedar. The events of become human happened in November, and this story takes place in May.

It's now been months since the cyber-life robot revolution. Connor and the other cyber-life robots that were appointed to the Detroit Police department are helping the humans police officers get ready for a full reintegration of the evacuation being lifted. Senate has declare that AI is a new form of intelligent life and is granted civil rights.

A fully covered person wearing all black walks into the police station and tells the front desk person who they are, but no one else can hear them. A police officer walks over and escorts the person to the police captains office.

A lot of people and robots are getting casual glances to the slightly unfamiliar site. But then the person puts down there camping backpack and takes off their hat and cloak to reveal a bald black voluptuous bodied person. the captain gets up and hugs the person with obvious familiarity, and they both noticed that no one outside of the office can seem to mind their own business.

The captain darkens the windows and door around his office and locks the door to make sure they have privacy. They all look at each other like what the fuck? and then suddenly everyone and their retired Grandma has a question to ask the Chief and is constantly knocking on the door. he uses the same system that darkened his glass windows and doors to put a do not disturb LED sign on the window, and the knocking stops.

The ones closer to the office here laughing at some points, and gathered that this isn't anything sexual for the captain, and there's nothing devious going on. the person is the chiefs adopted family member, who's come out to Detroit because things weren't working out for them in Oregon. they already have friends out in Detroit that they can stay with, but the police cheese isn't so sure about that, because they know that this family member engages in some illegal activity as a hacker. After almost an hour the person walks out of the office and goes to the break room to make tea.

Meanwhile, Gavin and another anti robot cop and Hank Connor and a cop that's trying to remain neutral are having an escalating conversation in the break room. Cedar Diva sachets into the room and they all stop and stare as though they completely forgotten what they were arguing about. They all look at each other and Hank finally says hello to the stranger. cedar turns around and says hello to them and that they aren't there to interrupt while they make tea.

Gavin starts to walk over thinking that he's slick and smug but cedar turns to them and says to Gavin you're not going to like me because I'm pro Ai, and then looks at Hank and says you're not going to like me because I'm a hacker, so let's just leave me out of this, and then goes back to their business.

Hank and Connor don't even want to fight anymore and leave the room, but they definitely stare at the stranger on their way out. Gavin and the other two cops for themselves up some coffee, and just sit, admiring the new view but remain silent. The person leaves with the tea and a bottle of water, and goes back to the office.

After almost another hour later, the person is back in their cloak and hat with their camping backpack exiting the office without an escort, and the chief returns his Windows back to normal. a few heads per cup, but they don't look for too long with the chief watching them now.

Later that day, the person walks into a bar where Hank and Connor just so happened to be and has all of their facial piercings in, unlike earlier. they are without the hat, but they're wearing the long cloak. Hank sideways scoffs at the person being one of those punk-goth types but doesn't look away from the rest of what's going on. Connor points out that the person has already admitted to engaging in illegal activity, but remembers What Hank said early on in their relationship, about not bothering people that aren't bothering him.

the person ask the bartender What Hank is having an orders the same thing, and walks it over to Hank while taking a seat next to Connor. "Good evening. My name is Cedar. I see you're a cyber-life robot. What's your name?" At first Connor is taken aback and stupefied by the persons audacity, but properly introduces himself. Cedar admits that they're surprised that Connor replied with him already knowing that their hacker. Connor admits that he's not as offended as he should be.

After a while as socializing cedars biological cousin comes to visit and Connor and Hank get to know cedar and astronomer better.

a lot of the story is the same as the first one from here with the biological paternal grandmother going insane after surviving the incident at aperture science. but cedar isn't as close to the events predating the massacre unlike the character in the previous story. However cedar became a robotics and AI scientists and Specialists themselves. They were a robotics and AI development scientist for Geneva International Center of AI and robotics in the Oregon, Usa branch. After the events of the cyber-life robots gaining autonomy, Cedar's department of AI and robotics development would shut down and everyone within the department was either fired or put into a different department and project.

Instead of going back to making highly advanced sex dolls, cedar accepted the fate and went out to Michigan. they were upset at being fired at first, but they learned a lot about the history of aperture science and the building while working at the Geneva Center. That made them better equipped to infiltrate the center to take revenge on GLaDOS. they didn't get into robotics or start working for the Geneva Center specifically for that, but when they realize they had the opportunity they took it on as a life goal.

In the past, cedars cousin had a brief talk with them about revenge, but they seem to let it Go shortly afterwards. When astronomer finds out that cedar plans on enacting their Revenge she tries to stop them. After failing, astronomer enlist the help of Hank Connor Markus and North to try to physically stop cedar before they can get to the aperture science building in northern Michigan.

Cedar is already inside when they arrive, and astronomer already knows that they know the blueprints of the building inside and out, and they already know where to hide away from GLaDOS's sight. They all decide to wait outside to see if cedar will emerge.

Meanwhile inside the building, cedar is hiding from Gladys while meeting some of the cores at the same time. The corrs tell very mixed versions in bits and pieces of the same story: ultimately it takes awhile for cedar to figure out that the AI that made GLaDOS homicidal has been deleted. When cedar finally reaches GLaDOS they talked for a little bit, and GLaDOS inform cedar about the employee misconduct within the aperture science business model. Cedar becomes a lot less sympathetic after finding out how unethical cave Johnson was and what happened to Caroline. Cedar leaves the building, and the others are happy to see them and their cousin hugs them. they destroy the remote that they were going to use to shut down the power in the building, and go off alone to start sobbing.

when they return to Detroit, cedar tells them that a different aperture science branch is coming to manually shut down the development center and destroy GLaDOS from the outside in. they already knew about plans for Gladys to be destroyed, but they went into the building just to commit to their plans that they had laid out for years. cedar explains that their foreseeable plans is either continuing to live the rest of their life as a hacker, or going out to the east coast and working for a different sex toy and robotics company, that doesn't work with AI at all. they don't have any interest in staying in Detroit but they definitely feel like they came out there for a reason. Cedar and Conner start officially dating, and it's some point also start having sexual intercourse. when astronomers satisfied with the outcome and is convinced that her cousin is now mentally stable she leaves to continue traveling the world. A while later cedar leaves to Troy, and Connor gives a heartfelt goodbye to Hank to leave with them.


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